Saturday 24 September 2011

Weeds...You Goin' Down

Well, not a whole lot has happened this last week, but I think it was probably the best week I've had in a while.  Firstly, because I've started going to the gym with Jamie's cousin, Kirsten.  She's expecting her first baby in January so she's been going to the gym so she can swim in the heated pool; I'm going so I can drown in my own sweat.  I didn't realized until I got on the treadmill how important it is that I should know by now how to convert kilometers into miles.  I had no idea how far or how fast I was going.  I did realize that after I had run an entire kilometer in less than five minutes that it was definitely gone less than a mile.  Just so everyone is clear, one mile is 2.6 kilometers.  My next realization was that after being in Australia for eight months I really need to figure out how many pounds a kilo is.  I felt like every eye in the room was staring at me as I tried to pick up the 22 kilo dumbbells in each hand.  Who knew 22 kilos was close to 50 pounds?!  You can only imagine me dropping one and having to use both hands to pick it up and replace it on the shelf.  I did have a pretty intense work-out and felt pretty good about myself as I hobbled around the house for the next two days. 
On the plus side, day two at the gym was much more exciting.  For the first 45 minutes I was probably the only person in the room under 50.  It was a nice feeling that all the pain I was going through from my last work-out was paying off as I ran next to a man who was walking at 1.8 miles an hour.  Just so you can picture how slow that is, I googled the speed of an average turtle and the first number I saw was 1.0mph.  As if that didn't make me feel like a spartan, a lady from Portugal came up and asked if I was a dancer.  Keep in mind that the show on the overhead TV was "Dancing With the Stars."  I literally laughed out loud and she proceeded to tell me about the free couples dancing classes she's been taking with her husband, and it was a great place to make new friends.  Who needs couples dancing when you can meet complete strangers in a gym? 
Secondly, I've started weeding my garden.  Jamie was able to get the brush cutter(weed eater) working and I hacked away at the jungle in my back yard.  In case you've forgotten from my very first blog, the entire yard is called your garden and you have a separate vegetable garden.  The lady next door was spraying the microscopic weeds in her yard and since I was having such an energetic week it inspired me to start bulldozing through our weeds.  I've put a lovely dent in all the work and then hand weeded the flower beds.  Applause is appropriate at this point :).  Thank you...
Thirdly, after it rained for almost a week straight, I've finished the laundry.  I know it might not sound like a big deal, but we don't use the dryer in the laundry room.  Everything gets to hang out on the line, and because Jamie informed me that he was running low on even his "famine" underwear, it was imperative that I get his clothes clean and DRY.  When I woke up to the sun pouring through the window at 6:15 yesterday morning, I knew it was laundry day.  It's officially folded and put away now so I'll be fine if it rains again starting tomorrow. 
I hope this next week will be just as lovely.  I've got fairly big plans and goals so with a good attitude I should be able to check everything off my list.  Hopefully, your week will be as fulfilling and relaxing as mine was.  For those of you who may have just finished a really lousy week, keep your chin up; the rain will clear up soon! 

Side note:  Jamie and I finally found a video game we can play together!!!!!  SingStar Abba!  Thanks, Dad, for teaching me what good music is all about. 


  1. "All the weeds are grown
    and the sky is grey.
    she went on a walk
    all the winter long.
    There'd be a lot less work
    If she'd stayed in W.A.
    Jarrahdale Dreaming
    on such a "Sultry" day

    (With thanks for the Mamas and Papas) (and Throw Mama from the Train)

    When 3 Doctors come together, there is sure to be something great!

    Love you lots

  2. Enjoying your sense of humour Elizabeth. Great blog.
