Saturday 22 October 2011

You Waskally Rabbit

Right...well it's rabbit season, and the phrase "breed like rabbits" means so much more to me now.  They are literally everywhere around our house and neighborhood.  Most of the Australians hate them; although, to be fair, I haven't seen anyone trying to kill them except when Jamie speeds up in the car rather than slowing down or swerving.  Turns out, there is a huge amount of animosity built up around here when it comes to rabbits.  You see, rabbits aren't native to Australia.  The "Poms," aka British, brought them over to hunt.  When they realized there weren't any natural predators to keep the rabbit ecosystem in check, they brought in foxes.  Crazy right?  I wish I could say it got better, but how ever many years later, Australia is overrun by rabbits, particularly the small town we live in.  I started out thinking they were pretty cute, and they are, but I soon learned that they're pretty sneaky and destructive.  I've seen a rabbit jump up on its hind legs and fight a kangaroo.  Ok ok, so now I'm just being ridiculous, but seriously, they come right up on our front porch and eat what little of the rose bushes the kangaroos did leave behind.  There is a nest of bunnies underneath the foot bridge in our garden and every time you get anywhere close about fifteen rabbits start running all over the yard.  Does anyone have a good recipe for rabbit stew?
Secondly, all my followers can post a congratulations.  Our yard is starting to look so good.  Thanks to Jamie and the rabbits' help with the weeding, I can walk out onto the veranda and proudly smile if the neighbors are waving across the fence line.  Also, I'm able to have my hand within inches of our friendly lizards without having a heart attack.  I'm by no means getting a tan, but I've been spending at least an hour a day in the sunshine and garden and I expect wonderful results soon. 
For all of you who are burning with curiosity about my permanent residency visa, Lord willing after our appointment with the immigration department on the 3rd, our part will be finished.  You can't understand how good it makes me feel to finally have all the red-tape and paperwork almost finished.  I had my health examination last Tuesday, and four hours and two parking tickets later, I was deemed healthy.  Phew!  It was a routine check that was necessary before the immigration office can give me a clearance; along with my background check from the FBI.  I'm a little nervous about the FBI bit.  ;)
That's all for now folks.  Tune in next time for more scintillating updates, and until then...

"Don't worry. Be Happy."  (sung by that crazy fish that hangs on rednecks' trophy wall)